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Science of Happiness

The tools you need to grow, excite, and better understand your Inner Self

Partnering organizations with a modularized, scalable, and secure wellness platform for human care.

A Modular Scalable, and Secure AI Platform and Apps for Human Care.

Smart Journaling


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Smart Journaling


Unleash data-driven intelligence and see the transformation in action.

Unleashing AI and cognitive technologies, enabling partners to build thriving communities.

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Burnout Prevention
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Personal AI Agent Delivering in-the-moment Care for Every Emotion, Feeling, and Thought by Giving Contextual, Relevant Cues and Interventions in your Hands.

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A cutting edge digital experience platform, empowering individuals, organizations, and communities to improve happiness and wellbeing.  We inspire enterprises with real-time actionable intelligence and personalized programs on happiness and wellbeing, allowing you to unleash the full potential of your people.

Platform Features

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Happiness in your Hand

Tools, insights, and content enabling you to lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

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Guided journaling to make you aware of your thought patterns and insights.
Connect with health apps, fitbit, and others to automate your data tracking.
Personality Insights
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Equip yourself with actionable cues and invisible evidence about your life.
Experience evidence based programs to cultivate deeper relationship.
Curated and personalized programs and content for mindful enlightenment practices.
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Elevating Communities


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MyBliss helped me determine which habits I should make to improve my relationships and my life.

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MyBliss allowed me to make small actionable changes each day that had huge impacts on my life! Small consistent shifts really do work!

Laura Walker
Brand Manager

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